Terms of use

Effective Date: June 03, 2024
Last Modified: February 12, 2024
Sites Covered: hotsextube


Welcome to Our Site’s User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement” or “Terms and Conditions” or “Terms”). The provisions of this Agreement will govern Your use of Our Site(s) and the Services contained therein. You should, therefore, take some time to read the Agreement carefully.

Our Site features content that is published by independent third parties, and We do not exercise control or maintain direct association with this content. We refrain from intervening in disputes between third parties and others, and We do not facilitate communication between them.

Consequently, it is highly recommended that You exercise Your own judgment when engaging with third parties or clicking on their links. Additionally, it is advisable to conduct your own research on any information found in Our advertisements and commercial communications before making any decisions. We are not responsible for any interactions that occur between Our Users and third parties.

The activities discussed or promoted on the Site, as well as communication by third parties, may be subject to regulation by the laws of Your individual city, state, province, country or nation. It is advisable to check Your local laws before participating in any such activities or using our services.
If You have any questions about Our Agreement or policies, or if you wish to communicate with us, please feel free to contact Us through our Contact us / Single point of contact. Please note that you can use English or Greek to contact us. Our Contact us / Single point of contact can be used by any individual, legal entity, trusted flaggers, recipients of the service and/or authorities (including EU Member State authorities, EU Commission and EU Board) to send us any type of communication.

1. Preliminary Provisions

1.1. Party Definitions. The Parties referred to in this Agreement are defined as follows:

1.1.1. Company is the operator of the https://xhamster.desi/ Website. “Company” has the meaning defined in this Agreement. When first-person pronouns are used in this Agreement, (Us, We, Our, Ours, etc.) these pronouns are referring to the Company and/or to any other sites that We may choose to operate in the future. Additionally, when the terms “the Site” or “Site” or the “Website” are used, these terms refer to https://xhamster.desi/, any predecessor or successor domain or URL, along with any website published by Us, unless a site is specifically exempt from this Agreement. Our Site(s), and the services available to the Site and that the Site provides (“Services”), may contain images and videos (collectively referred to as the “Content”) and text, software, graphics, data, messages, or any other information, and any other website content owned, operated, licensed, or controlled by the Company (collectively referred to as the “Materials”).

1.1.2. You, the User. As the User of this Site and/or Services, this Agreement will refer to the User as “You” or through any second-person pronouns, such as “Yours” etc. Hereinafter, the User of the Site and/or Services shall be referred to in applicable second-person pronouns. By using this Website, You certify that You are over eighteen (18) years of age or twenty-one (21) years of age, depending on the age of majority in Your jurisdiction.

1.1.3. User vs. Member vs. Verified Member. For the purposes of this Agreement, all Members and/or Verified Members are Users, but not all Users are Members. This Agreement applies to all Users whether they are Members or not. You become a User by accessing this Site or the Services in any way, therefore You need not become a Member of the Site to have this Agreement applied to You. You are not considered a Member, as defined by this Agreement, until such time as You have submitted Your online account Registration (hereinafter “Registration”). You become a Member by registering with the Site for a User ID and password, as required by the Registration, as discussed below, or by enabling and registering with other available means of registration defined in Our Website. Registration is available without the provision of Your e-mail address. Also, registration is available via “Sign up with Google” function, that is available in the registration page of the Site. You are not considered a Verified Member, as defined by this Agreement, until such time as You have submitted Your online application to participate in Our Creators’ Program (hereinafter “Verification”), subject to these Terms and the Creators’ Program Terms. You become a Verified Member once Your application has been reviewed by Us and Your online account has been accepted into the Creators’ Program.


1.2.2. If You fail to sign this Agreement, You understand that You are an unauthorized user of the Site and Services. No act or omission by Us should be interpreted as a waiver of the requirement that You assent to this Agreement. If You fail to do so, You are still bound by the terms of this Agreement by virtue of Your viewing of the Site or using any portion of the Site or Our Services.

1.3. If You are seeking information regarding any illegal activities, You must leave this Site immediately and do not attempt to use the Services. You acknowledge that You are aware of the community standards in Your community, and You will only access the content on the Site and/or use the Services if You believe that the content on the Site does not offend the community standards prevalent in Your community.

1.4. You agree not to use the Services or access the Site if doing so would violate the laws of Your state, province, or country.

1.5. Revisions to this Agreement:

1.5.1. From time to time, We may revise this Agreement. We reserve the right to do so, and You agree that We have this unilateral right. You agree that all modifications or changes to this Agreement are in force and enforceable immediately upon posting. Any updated or edited version supersedes any prior versions immediately upon posting, and the prior version is of no continuing legal effect unless the revised version specifically refers to the prior version and keeps the prior version or portions thereof in effect. If any amendment of this Agreement is deemed ineffective or invalid by any court, You and We (collectively, the “Parties”) agree that the prior, effective version of this Agreement will be considered valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permissible by law.

1.5.2. We agree that if We change anything in this Agreement, We will change the “last modified” date at the top of this Agreement so that it is immediately apparent that We have updated the Agreement. The Agreement is located at https://xhamster.desi/info/terms and a link to the Agreement is also at the bottom of the home page of the Site under “Terms of use”. You agree to periodically re-visit this web page, and to use the “refresh” button on Your browser when doing so. You agree to note the date of the last revision to this Agreement. If the “Last Modified” date remains unchanged from the last time You reviewed this Agreement, then You may presume that nothing in the Agreement has been changed since the last time You read it. If the “Last Modified” date has changed, then You can be certain that something in the Agreement has been changed, and that You need to re-review it in order to determine how Your rights and responsibilities may have been affected by the revisions.

1.5.3. Waiver. if You fail to periodically review this Agreement to determine if any of the terms have changed, You assume all responsibility for Your failure to do so and You agree that such failure amounts to Your affirmative waiver of Your right to review the amended terms and We shall not be held responsible.

1.6. Incorporations by Reference. Although this Agreement represents the primary terms and conditions of service for Our Site, additional guidelines and rules are hereby incorporated by reference. The document(s) which can be found on Our Site, and which are specifically incorporated by reference, and are therefore part and parcel of this Agreement include the following:


1.6.1. Privacy Policy (available via https://hotsextube.life/terms/refund-policy);

1.6.2. Terms Policy (available via  https://hotsextube.life/terms/terms

1.6.3. Copyright infringement / DMCA Policy 

1.6.4. Trust and Safety (https://hotsextube.life/terms/terms); which describes our approach to moderation practices, content upload requirements, and technical and organizational safeguards.